We have improved the state of the Kaskady resort with Meraki and CISCO technologies, which represent the most modern and high-quality combination of technology options.
We effectively implemented a virtual private network and secured it against unauthorized connections and unwanted SPAM that plagued the hospital in the past.
The main goal for the HOUR customer was to unify the infrastructure and ensure the stability of the services provided. Modern cloud and data services from Slovanet were the ideal solution.
The current solution fully covers the needs of Kúpele Nimnica Spa for telecommunication services (transmission capacities, availability of services, complexity and others) and gives sufficient space to deal with internal activities.
In this project, our main task was to integrate technology and security solutions from different providers into one functional unit.
Member of MEDIREX GROUP - Medirex, a. s. - provides comprehensive laboratory diagnostics for healthcare facilities in Bratislava, Nitra and Košice, as well as in their surroundings. It operates state-of-the-art and largest central laboratories in Slovakia and Central Europe.
The deployment of cloud and e-mail services went smoothly. For SAD Prešov we also provided increased protection of the electronic communication network.
In the field of IT, hardware and software, SLS - TECHNACO has been dealing with their own resources for a long time and by direct purchase of equipment and licenses as well as their administration. However, as the capacity requirements increased, the company decided to move to the Slovanet cloud.
After the last successful cooperation in 2018, we implemented cloud services for the operation of corporate information systems.