

TREXIMA BRATISLAVA, spol. s.r.o. is a research-statistical and advisory-consulting company operating in the field of data analytics and forecasts of the labor market. It develops and successfully applies new, effective methods in the field of wage research, employment, complex productivity, collective negotiations, education, monitoring of employees’ working and living conditions in Slovakia and in individual regions.

Trexima is the author of the National Classification of Professions (KZAM, KZAM R, SK ISCO-08) and its wide-ranging implementation by economic entities throughout the SR, including employment services, especially pertaining to the use of the correct nomenclature and coding of specific jobs on the labor market. This Slovak company with a 20-year tradition processes and analyzes a huge amount of data for its clients.

When you are working with huge amounts of data, the availability and security of this data is critical to you. The Cloud from Slovanet provided us with what we were looking for – quality, performance, speed and individual approach of professionals.
Mgr. Peter Culka
, Head of IT Department
, TREXIMA Bratislava.


Trexima is a longtime customer of the telecommunications operator Slovanet. In 2018, Slovanet advanced from providing stable and fast Internet access to a cloud solution provider for the operation of the portals and information systems of the company. Trexima had previously leased servers from competing providers, but they were not performing well, had slow hard drives and poor Internet access. The company needed fast, stable and above all high-quality services with expert support and the possibility of consulting with the supplier. The company works with a huge amount of data and the cloud solution is vital to its operations. Given these facts, IT experts considered all available options in Slovakia and abroad – from buying their own servers to moving to the cloud. As a prudent customer, Trexima chose the way to fully test the offered solution cloud:LINK by setting up a demo environment. The availability of expert consultants reduced the time required and simplified testing. The provider of the most powerful cloud in Slovakia passed this test, demonstrated its capabilities and ensured rapid and smooth migration in a short time.

As Head of IT department Mgr. Peter Culka adds: “Slovanet pleasantly surprised us by the speed of implementation of our requirements, individual approach and expertise of their employees.”


Cloud:LINK from Slovanet is in many ways more advantageous than other solutions, as it has the most powerful cloud available in our market. The location of data centers is exclusively in Slovakia, the savings of costs are significant compared to traditional solutions of their own IT infrastructure, a matter of course is the smooth migration, the possibility of testing in demo environment and as a pleasant bonus expert consultants of the company. With the service of computing power, the client increased connectivity up to 1Gbps through an optical connection.

The service safe:LINK protects huge amounts of data against unauthorized access, leaks, and various types of malware and security threats. The highly scalable data center security system FortiGate provides Antivirus and Antispyware protection, Intrusion Prevention (IPS), Antispam, Management of Internet operation (traffic shaping), Virtual Private Network, Data Leak Prevention, Network Access Control and Application Control. 

For backup and data recovery, the company uses the services backup:LINK which combines high performance, quality and reliability with new features. In the future, the Client plans to start testing workstation and application virtualization through a modern platform vdi:LINK and its subsequent implementation.

SECTOR: business inteligence

LOCATION: Slovak Republic


  • increase of savings through outsourcing,
  • cheaper, more stable and quality solution than with the competition,
  • individual and professional approach of merchants,
  • data center directly in Slovakia with fast response,
  • service deployment speed,
  • protection against attacks when accessing the network,
  • ensuring a fast and stable Internet connection.