
Realized solutions

Industrial Park Šebešťanová/ Nova Trade

We brought to the industrial park an efficient solution of Internet connection via fiber optic cables, thanks to which the park gained a competitive advantage.

Network of pharmacies Benu

For the largest network of pharmacies in continental Europe, we have provided a stable and fast Internet connection through our own optical network.

Office of the President of the Slovak Republic

So far, the latest implementation for the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic in 2018 brought a new extension of network security against digital threats and unauthorized intrusions into the infrastructure.

Slovak Register of Placental Hematopoietic Cells, o. z.

We have designed and implemented a number of services for the civic association, thanks to which they have two operating points connected and established a new call center.

The City of Banská Bystrica

We perceive the realization in Banská Bystrica as one of our favorite ones. Reconstruction of the internal technological infrastructure has made this city a "SMART CITY".

The Town of Malacky

For Tekos, a company that manages technical services and waste disposal for the city of Malacky, we have provided smart waste management system lora:LINK Waste.

Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, a. s.

We have been working with the largest health insurance company in Slovakia for a long time. Therefore, at the beginning of 2017 we upgraded the main components of their communication infrastructure.