Slovanet’s certification authority provides certification services pursuant to applicable provisions of Act No. 215/2002 Coll. on Electronic Signature as amended and its activities are focused on issuing certificates for Slovanet’s contracted customers.
Certification activities primarily revolve around providing certification services, accepting applications to issue certificates, maintaining records and operating the required technical equipment and installations.
Certification services also involve issuing certificates, cancelling valid certificates, providing a list of cancelled certificates, confirming the existence and validity of certificates and locating and providing issued certificates.
Accredited certification services are understood as:
Slovanet provides and administers certificates with public keys pursuant to Version 3 of the X.509 standard for use in applications that require secure communication between network-connected computer systems.
More information regarding certification activities, providing certification services as well as documents required under Act No. 215/2002 Coll. can be found online at the DISIG, a.s. website
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